62 research outputs found

    Označevanje storitev: analiza imen in simbolov v zavarovalniŔtvu na HrvaŔkem in v Sloveniji

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    This paper expands the understanding of a complex area of service brand management. Since the specific nature of services makes it difficult to objectively judge a service prior to its consumption, decisions and the selection of a service brand can be critical for a marketing strategy. Strong service brands possess: distinctiveness, relevance, memorability and flexibility. Elements of a strong service brand (name, logo, symbol, character and slogan) identify the brand and differentiate the service from its competitors. Research was conducted into the appropriateness of brands within Croatian and Slovenian insurance services sectors. Elements of the 45 insurance service brands (27 Croatian and 18 Slovenian) are analyzed in this paper and evaluated in terms of how and if they meet the criteria of a strong service brand, as well as in terms of their appropriateness for creating desirable, positive and unique associations.Pričujoči prispevek skuŔa približati razumevanje kompleksnega področja managementa storitvenih oznak. Ker specifična narava storitev otežuje, da bi objektivno ocenili storitev pred njeno potroŔnjo, ima lahko odločitev in izbira oznake storitve kritičen pomen za marketinŔko strategijo. Prepoznavne oznake storitev odlikuje razločljivost, umestnost, zapomnljivost in prožnost. Elementi prepoznavnih oznak storitev (ime, logotip, simbol, pisava in slogan) identificirajo oznako in diferencirajo storitev od konkurence. Opravljena je bila raziskava glede primernosti oznak na področju zavarovalniŔtva na HrvaŔkem in v Sloveniji. V prispevku so analizirani elementi 45-ih oznak v zavarovalniŔtvu (27 hrvaŔkih in 18 slovenskih), ki so ovrednoteni glede na to, koliko izpolnjujejo kriterije prepoznavne oznake storitve ter koliko so te oznake primerne za ustvarjanje želenih, pozitivnih in enkratnih asociacij


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